
Svilland: 5E Norse Setting & Freyja's Tears A Grim Adventure Late Pledge Page

Created by Dream Realm Storytellers

Svilland: The True Norse Setting for DnD 5E is coming with its anticipated reprint and a grim adventure, Freyja's Tears

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Progress Update #7: Sampling and Printing
about 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 09:02:50 PM

Hello Svillanders,

We hope you are enjoying your campaigns in Svilland, and if you have started, enjoying your Freyja’s Tears adventure! We are here today with an update regarding our processes of sampling and printing.

Sampling and Printing

As you may recall, we have provided the print files of the books to our printing partner. We are awaiting samples so that we can approve the quality and officially start the print.

However, we still don’t have the samples on hand as of now due to a delay, which our customs agent told us was caused by some congestion in overland logistics, but which will be resolved soon.

Once we receive the samples, we will post another update of how they look, and will start the printing process once we are sure they are of high quality. When the printing starts, it will be complete within 1-1.5 months, and the books will be sent to warehouses for distribution.

Svilland Novel: The Bear King

Our Svilland novel, The Bear King, is complete and edited as well. We are only waiting for its cover art. After we receive it, we will release the novel as a PDF and send its print file to our printer.

Follow Our Process

We make sure to provide all details of our work and progress regarding the fulfillment of our project in these Kickstarter updates. So we would like to take this opportunity to thank our backers who follow our updates regularly.

We also wanted to remind all our backers that it would be a good idea to follow our updates, as most questions we receive via comments, messages, and Discord tend to be covered within them.

Corpus Angelus Demo Booklet

We also have news of our Corpus Collection Kickstarter campaign. The demo booklet of Corpus Angelus has been released! Its PDF is already sent to your emails, but please let us know if you didn’t receive it, and would like to have a look.

We tried to provide as much content as possible within the demo booklet, as we wanted to give our backers a good idea of what awaits them in this next Kickstarter. Here are a few sample pages;

We have already sent you the demo book via Drivethurpg, but you can also download it by clicking here

Days Remain Until Launch!

We only have a few days left until the launch of Corpus Collection on Kickstarter. We will launch on August 17th, at 11.30 AM (PST). To be notified, or to get the early bird discount with 50% OFF,you can click “Notify me on launch” here:

We’d be more than glad to see you among our backers in our new project!

Stay safe, and happy evil adventuring wicked ones!

Progress Update #6: Freyja’s Tears Released!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 09:02:54 PM

Warriors of Odin, champions of Freyja!

The time has finally come to prove you’re worthy of Valhalla!

That grand day is finally upon us! Svillanders, today is the day we release Freyja's Tears!

Will you be the characters who protect Freyja, free her of her chains, and save Svilland?
Will you be the Game Masters who sew the strings of fate and create a marvelous saga in Freyja’s name?

Your time has come to be a part of this grand adventure of levels 1-20!

We have sent the PDFs to your emails.

Freyja’s Tears

We have completed our first epic adventure, Freyja’s Tears, and your PDFs await you. It was a different but exciting experience for us to write this saga. Although we planned the book to be within 250 pages, as usual, our urge to be creative made the end product go beyond that, and we finalized the book in 283 pages.

The story, different choices, warbands, cults, settlements, monsters, characters, letters, and even poems; all have been included in Freyja’s Tears for you to enjoy! Here is some artwork and page samples from the book:

Time to Print!

Now, we have all the game PDFs ready, and the PDF of the novel will very soon follow suit. Some of the books were previously sent for print, and with Freyja’s completion, we are officially in the printing process as a whole.

The printing process has two sections; sampling and printing. Within the following 2-3 weeks we will be working on the samples of the books. We will post an update when we receive the samples for you to see as well. When the sampling is complete, printing will take a month to finish.

Thus, we think we will finish the sampling process by the end of July, and finish the printing process by the end of August. When the prints are done, it will be time for the freights and deliveries.

Reminder: Corpus Angelus is Coming!

We also wanted to remind you again that our new Kickstarter for Corpus Collection will launch on August 17th Tuesday. If you did want to back Corpus Malicious and Mindabar but missed the previous Kickstarter, now is the time! We also believe that you will find Corpus Angelus and Loniel to be equally great! With the addition of these two books, our Corpus Collection has more than 900 pages of good and evil content!

You can be notified when we launch the campaign by clicking on “Notify me on launch”. Don't miss the early bird discount!

See You on the Next Update!

We will see you again very soon when the novel is released, and then when we receive the samples.

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Progress Update #5: Svilland Revised Edition!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 01:30:26 AM

Hello Svillanders,

We hope you are enjoying your adventures and campaigns in Svilland. With this update, we would like to announce the release of our Svilland revised edition!

Svilland Revised Edition is Released!

Svilland was our first book, and the first Kickstarter campaign that put us on the route to where we are now. It is like our first born child, and we love it dearly. With that said, we also realized that with the experience we gained in our work since then, we could do it much better. As part of this Kickstarter campaign, we decided to revise Svilland. And now, here it is!

We had gone through every detail of it from the smallest village in the geography section to the monsters of awe-inspiring ability. With a more comfortable budget for artwork, we also added a handful, and changed some.

Some pages and artwork from the new version are given below:

How Will You Get the Revised Edition

The Svilland revised edition is available for download as PDF through DrivethruRPG with the same download link you had for the previous Svilland. As we are only updating the file within the product title, it counts as the same product in DrivethruRPG, and you already have access to it. DrivethruRPG should also email you about the update of the download file.

The printed version of Svilland that we are providing as part of this campaign will be this revised edition.

Our Process on the Books

We also have news regarding where we are at with the other books of this Kickstarter campaign.

Into the Wolf’s Maw and Untold Sagas are ready to print. We are having slight adjustments to the printing file of South Sea and that is almost ready as well. We will be sending Untold Sagas, South Sea, and Into the Wolf’s Maw to print, along with Svilland revised edition, within the week.

Svilland's novel is in the editing phase. In this process, we are having discussions with the author Steven Savile to ensure everything feels right both for us and for him.

In Freyja’s Tears, we are deep into the revision and editing phase. Since our last update, the conditions of the pandemic in our country got better and our productivity, especially that of our artists, increased. So we are working on the book with full force, and are still estimating the release time to be within this month; at the end of June.

Corpus Anthology is Coming to Kickstarter!

Last but not least, we are very excited to let you know that Corpus Angelus - the codex of good is coming to Kickstarter along with the reprint of Corpus Malicious - the codex of evil. The Corpus Anthology is our series for 5E supplements, where we have hundreds of pages of content for both good and evil in D&D.

The books contain many, many new options for classes, archetypes, ancestries, backgrounds, spells, items, monsters, and NPCs. They also have new rules such as those laid out for being a vampire or a lich, or rules for degeneration and devotion; all of which bring more color to the alignments.

With their small settings Mindabar and Loniel, you will have 4 books in this new Kickstarter, with over 900 pages of content!

We will launch the Kickstarter campaign for Corpus Angelus & Corpus Malicious in August. To be notified when it is launched, you can click on the “Notify me on Launch” button on the campaign’s pre-launch page here:

See You on the Next Update!

We wish you a pleasant read of the revised version of Svilland. We are really excited to hear from you about it! Feel free to share your thoughts through the comments here or our Discord channel. See you in the next update, with more news on Freyja’s Tears and the Svilland novel!

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Untold Sagas Release and Progress Update #4
over 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 04:50:00 AM

Hello Svillanders,

We hope you are enjoying your adventures and campaigns, and we have good news for your campaigns in Svilland. Untold Sagas is complete and its PDF is now released!

Additionally, we would like to update you on our progress for the fulfillment.

Untold Sagas is Released!

We have now completed Untold Sagas! We are very happy with the work, and very excited to have you check it out! In this book, we divulge the history of Svilland from its creation to the present, and provide details about the origins of many groups in the realm, as well as major events that made Svilland what it is today.

We have used a unique approach to the artwork of this book that we hope you will like as much as we do. We made it to reflect the sense of mystery and mythical nature of the stories told by Svillanders. As is with Norse Mythology, the stories outlined in Untold Sagas represent stories that people have told through the generations rather than a formal recorded history.. We think with the style of artworks in the book, we depicted this uncertainty nicely. Here are some examples from the pages:

We have sent the download link to your emails. Please check the inboxes of the email that you gave us through DrivethruRPG. You should see an email from DrivethruRPG with our name on the subject, through which you can download the PDF.

In case you cannot locate the email, please check your spam folders. Also, please check the email you use for Kickstarter/Backerkit (if that one is different from the email you gave us for DrivethruRPG). If you still cannot locate it, let us know via Kickstarter messages and we will resend the PDF to you.

Development of Freyja’s Tears

As you’d recall, we mentioned a latency in Freyja’s Tears and this still persists. We sincerely apologize for this latency, and would like to inform you of its reasons.

Firstly and most importantly, Turkey has been having an especially rough go of it in terms of the pandemic lately. The reports of new cases and deaths are increasing with each passing day. Unfortunately, this affects most areas of our work as well. For instance, we are receiving the artwork for the book slower than we had anticipated. The pandemic and all that goes with it has been quite rough on many people’s lives, including those of our artists. Thus, the delivery of the artworks are often late.

Secondly, we took our time in Chapter 5 of the book. The last chapter of Freyja’s Tears is quite different from that of the previous chapters. We are depicting Helheim in this chapter, and we spent a great amount of time brainstorming and designing what we should include, and how we should include it, for you to feel Helheim in the most dramatic and satisfactory way possible. In short, we wanted to make sure it felt right, rather than trying to rush such an important and different chapter. This added to the time of the writing of this last chapter, which in turn affected its revision and editing time.

As a result, we are estimating that we will release the PDF of Freyja’s Tears sometime in June.

Again, we hope that you accept our most sincere apologies for this latency.

But we know that many of you want to see the artworks, here are some beautiful arts from Freyja's Tears

Svilland Revised Edition

In the meantime, we are working on the last details in the revised edition of Svilland. As we are revising the book as multiple parts at the same time, our editors are simultaneously working on the completed parts.

With more funds available to us than the first Svilland Kickstarter campaign, we are also upgrading some of the artworks of this book to even better ones.

We are further in progress in the revision of Svilland, and thus we expect to release the PDF of the revised version of Svilland at the end of May.

Svilland Novel

The writing phase of the Svilland Novel is complete ! Currently, we are making final revisions to the story, and then it will get into the editing phase. As the author is wonderfully gifted in his use of words and grammar, the book as of now (pre-edit) is still quite enjoyable! We think we will release the raw version of it after the revision is complete and before the edit has begun. We estimate this to be at the end of this month or at the beginning of May. And once the edit is complete, we will release its final version to you.

Here is the screenshot from the novel.

Delivery of the Prints

Given our progress in the books and their PDF release times, we think we will be able to get into print within June. With the printing time and then the time required for continental shipping, we are anticipating to deliver your physical copies at the end of summer.

We would like to apologise once more about this latency in our fulfillment. When the pandemic first broke out, we wanted to make sure we would never get really affected by it as a company. However, the pandemic has affected us before in our work, and it continues to hinder our timeliness no matter how hard we try.

Additionally, we have to admit that we are still a relatively small team and we over-extended ourselves in terms of timeliness with the stretch goals. We are very happy with the quality of our all of our work including the stretch goals, but we failed to foresee the time we had to add to our final fulfillment for those stretch goals. We will make sure we don’t repeat this mistake in our future projects, and assess the time required for stretch goals more precisely.

See You on the Next Update!

We wish you a very pleasant week and many exciting adventures in Svilland! We hope you enjoy Untold Sagas, and that it provides more depth to your campaigns! See you on our next update, hopefully with the news of the Svilland novel, and new information about the other titles!

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Pledge Manager and Progress Update
over 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 02:31:36 AM

Hello Svillanders,

We hope you are having a good time in your adventures and campaigns!

We wanted to post a short update to regarding the pledge manager and Untold Sagas.

Orders are Locked and Charged

Your orders in the pledge manager are now locked and cards are charged for the shipping fees and add-ons (if you purchased any). Also, we are in the middle of the layout process of Untold Sagas and it will be done soon!

In this process, it is natural that some cards are errored and couldn't be charged. If your card was errored, you should have an email from Backerkit that mentions this error and asks you to update your card. Another issue with card that is often observed is that your bank may see the transaction as invalid or as a potential fraud, or your card may be locked from e-commerce. If you think you experienced such a case, we advise you to contact your bank about the issue, and they should be able to fix it quickly.

Untold Sagas is on its Way!

We are very excited to share with you that Untold Sagas (Svilland lore book) is now currently in the layout process and it is getting close to be done! Untold Sagas became a vital addition to our Svilland library as it goes in depth to the history and lore of our campaign setting. We thank you for this opportunity as you unlocked its stretch goal!

Here are some of the pages of Untold Sagas:

See You on the Next Update!

We wish you a very pleasant week and many exciting adventures in Svilland! See you on our next update!

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.
