
Svilland: 5E Norse Setting & Freyja's Tears A Grim Adventure Late Pledge Page

Created by Dream Realm Storytellers

Svilland: The True Norse Setting for DnD 5E is coming with its anticipated reprint and a grim adventure, Freyja's Tears

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last 10 Days to Lock Orders & Art Reveal!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Mar 07, 2021 at 12:16:29 AM

Hello Svillanders,

We hope that you are enjoying your adventures and campaigns!

With this update, we wanted to remind you that we will be locking orders on the pledge manager soon, and  to share with you our latest artworks for Freyja’s Tears and Untold Sagas!

Last 10 Days for the Surveys

We are extending the late-pledge closing and Lock Orders period by 10 more days. The pre-order (late pledge) store will be closed and the orders will be locked on March 16th.

If you haven’t completed your survey yet, please do so within these 10 days in order not to miss your pledge rewards. If you cannot locate your survey invitation, please send us a Kickstarter message, and we will resend your survey link to you.

 Artworks are Coming In!

We are towards the end of writing Freyja’s Tears now, and many of the monster artworks are complete as well! We are very happy with the results, and as developers, seeing the art of a monster brief we wrote is always an extremely special feeling for us! We wanted to share with you these artworks, as well as our excitement about them.


A small portion of the monster and npc arts


Most of the artwork of our Svilland lorebook, Untold Sagas, are also complete. In the artworks of this book, we followed a style that parallels the mythical and narrative approach of the book. Here are a few examples of them, enjoy!

The Arrival of Dvergar
Longship Oarsmen

 Svilland Novel

We are also delighted to tell you that our novel is halfway there. We would like to say Steven is doing a marvelous work! We can't help ourselves and read through pages in one breath while revising. The story is quite dynamic and exciting. To see the realm we created coming to life on the pages of a novel is quite an exhilarating feeling!

See You on the Next Update!

We wish you a very pleasant week and many exciting adventures in Svilland! See you on our next update!

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love. 


Progress Update #3 : OST is Live!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 09:01:52 AM

Hello Svillanders,

We are here with an update regarding the Svilland OST, the new Svilland map, an expected delay, and the pledge manager.

Svilland OST is Live!

Firstly, we would like to share the great news that Svilland OST is now live!

The OST is added as an album to DrivethruRPG, and you can also reach it through Youtube here:

The OST was originally designed for Freyja's Tears Adventure. But as we were working on it, we decided to make it universally applicable. So you can use it in a Svilland campaign, Into the Wolf's Maw adventure, or any other adventure or campaign that you think the tracks are suitable for.

For Freyja's Tears, we have included guidelines for where the tracks should be played as well as added notifications for the GMs to play a certain track in a certain scene. However, of course, this is merely our suggestion and any GM can work with the tracks as they see fit for their style and game.

Revised Svilland Map

As part of our revisions for Svilland Campaign Setting, we also revised the map of Svilland. The updated map is available on DrivethruRPG and will be sent to you. It is also included in the printed maps reward of your pledges. You can have a sneak peek at the map here:

Delay In Delivery

As you may recall from our previous update, all the books and add-ons are going well. Yet, we are having some delays with the completion of Freyja’s Tears. You can find more information and the reasons for this delay in our previous update.

In addition to the reasons mentioned in the update regarding our operations, we have also recently been informed by our fulfillment partner that there is a logistics crisis going on because of the pandemic. We were expecting to make the physical delivery in April, but given all these issues, we now expect it to be late May / early June.

Pledge Manager is Open for February

Given this delay, we estimate that the physical deliveries will be carried out by May as opposed to April. Thus, we want to postpone the lock order date of the pledge manager as well. Instead of the end of January, we will lock the orders at the end of February, and will charge cards at the beginning of March. We will lock the addresses some time close to the end of the printing date, which we will let you know in the future.

Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reach us through Kickstarter messages and our Discord channel.

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Progress Update #2
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 12:20:17 AM

Dear Svillander’s,

Merry Christmas and happy new year! We sincerely hope that 2021 has got off to a flying start, after such a tough year for us all.

With this update, we wanted to share with you our progress on the books.

Svilland Revision

Let's start with the revision of Svilland. As you know we are revising Svilland into a better version as part of this Kickstarter campaign.

So far, we have revised the deities, races, cults, classes, spells and monsters that the book contains. In the “Geography” chapter, we have revised Nionaem and Green Lights of the East, and are currently working on Alsvartr.

We have also revised most of the archetypes. There are only a small number of domains left to check, as well as the final approvals of the revision with the whole team. We are planning to get this done within these 2 weeks.

Backgrounds have also been revised, but we want to quickly go over them again so as to do a final check. Feats will also be done shortly. And finally, we are planning on getting into the revisions of the items and NPCs quite soon as well.

As part of this revision, we are also planning on replacing some of the artwork with better ones. If we have time (as the artwork tends to be one of the most time consuming processes for us) we are also planning on adding some more art into the book.

Here is the revised edition cover.

Untold Sagas (Svilland Lorebook)

The writing of Untold Sagas is also going well. As we have a lot to talk about for Svilland, we had a lot of discussion and planning on the outline of the book to make it the best it could be. Currently we are done with the planning, and we are deep into the writing phase. Untold Sagas will be completed in February.

Svilland Novel

Steven, the author, is also fully focused on his work on the novel. He will present it to us once it is complete, and we will revise it together with the whole team.

Svilland OST

The soundtracks are done! The album is in the final mix phase. Ivan, the composer, is so hyped about this album that he took the initiative to revise it one more time with a sound engineer. And indeed, it sounds even better with the sound engineering applied! We will release the album once it is complete. You'll have another update about the OST soon.

Here is the list! Names will change.

Freyja’s Tears

In Freyja’s Tears, we are currently working on Chapter 4 of the five chapters. While our writers are writing it, others in the team are testing, and revising the content. The adventure is going great and it really brings us joy to see the work and the details we try to include in the story to make the experience a memorable one. We hope that you as GMs and players will like them as much as we do!

On the other hand, we sadly have to say that we are probably going to need more time with Freyja’s Tears. We were planning to release it in late-February. Yet, although we are working overtime for it, it seems that we will be able to complete it by the beginning of April.

This will not affect the PDF delivery of the other books, but the delivery of the prints will naturally have to wait for the completion of Freyja’s Tears. We will deliver the PDF once it is complete, and send it to print right afterwards.

There are two reasons for this delay. Firstly, two of our friends from the team have been infected with Covid-19 in the past months. They are okay now but since much of our work is undertaken through a chain of processes, this has created a chain delay. The impact of this was especially great for us, as we are a relatively small team, and as everyone plays a key role in our work.

Secondly, we have a lot of content added to our workload due to the stretch goals being unlocked. And as we are very hyped about these stretch goals, we want to make sure we make the best content for all of your enjoyment.

Pledge Manager

We also wanted to share some information about the pledge manager. As you know, the surveys for the Backerkit pledge manager have been sent. If you did not receive your invitation for the survey, please let us know with a Kickstarter message and we will resend it to you.

In the pledge manager, the orders will be locked on January 31st, and we will charge the cards right afterwards. So please complete your surveys until then.

After we lock the orders, you will still be able to update your addresses in case you need it, until the date on which the addresses will be locked. We are planning to lock the addresses by the end of February.

Thank you for your time reading through our update. Please let us know through comments or messages if you have any questions. See you on the next update!

May your blades be sharp, and your hearts filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Pledge Manager Surveys are Sent!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 12:39:31 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Progress Update #1
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 01:49:12 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.