
Svilland: 5E Norse Setting & Freyja's Tears A Grim Adventure Late Pledge Page

Created by Dream Realm Storytellers

Svilland: The True Norse Setting for DnD 5E is coming with its anticipated reprint and a grim adventure, Freyja's Tears

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Svilland OST Unlocked!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 02:20:20 AM

Dear Svillanders,

You have unlocked the Svilland OST stretch goal! Thank you very much for that! Now, Svilland will have an album full of original soundtracks that you can use in your games.

Tracks in the album will be 2:30 minutes long on average and they will be loopable for use as ambiance music. The album will include several themes; combat, ambiance, mysterious, as well as moods specific for Freyja’s Tears.

Music is an important part that feeds the flavor of a game, and we always wanted an album for Svilland. We thank you wholeheartedly for making this real!

Once complete, we will upload the album to Youtube, Spotify, and any other platforms that are quick and easy to use for Dungeon Masters, and you can choose whichever platform you would like to play it on.

Here is our composer, Ivan Dutch!

Next Stretch Goal?

Some of you may remember the new stretch goal from the previous update. Now it's time to open the final stretch goal of this campaign.

With your help, Svilland will have its own novel! Let's make it happen too!

Please do not forget to share this campaign on social media while entering the last hours!

May your blades be sharp, heart be filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Collection Pack Unlocked and A Svilland Novel!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 09:23:59 AM

Dear Svillanders,

You have unlocked the collection pack stretch goal and now we add the printed map and DM Screen as add ons!

The designs may change

Furthermore, the printed map will be included in all the pledges of Svillander and above.

The DM Screen will be included in the Svilland Complete Edition pledge.

 A New Stretch Goal: Svilland Novel

A couple of days ago, we got an email from Steven Savile. Steven told us he is very willing to write a novel for Svilland.

We always wanted Svilland to exist in different mediums, and Steven's offer made us very happy.

With your help, we can create a Svilland novel. If this stretch goal passes, we will gift the digital copy of the novel to everyone who backed us at "Freyja's Tears PDF" pledge level or above.

Details are coming soon and here is a message to you from Steven:

Hey folks,

Okay there may be a few folks here I have chatted with from over on the LexOccultum page or the Trudvang 5E Kickstarter page, but I figure most of you won’t know me, so I’ll take a few to introduce myself and give you a little idea of what I’ve been doing for the last few years.  My name is Steven Savile, though most people call me Steve… I’ve been part of the gaming community since I was 15 years old, when I stumbled into the library at school and found one of my friends rolling up characters for a red box D&D adventure and when I expressed curiosity they told me point blank I wouldn’t be interested because I wasn’t one of them… turns out that ‘them’ was actually us, and I was most definitely one of us. The hard part, after leaving school was finding a group to play with and that didn’t happen for two years, during which time I fell in love with fantasy, devouring the books of Eddings, Donaldson, Hugh Cook, Louise Cooper, Michael Moorcock, Jonathan Wylie and David Gemmell and more. There was a paucity of stuff back then so at one point I was able to walk into the huge Waterstones in Newcastle and look at the walls of books in the Fantasy and SF section and have read every single one of them already. That’s 35 years now, and boy times have changed. Being a gamer isn’t about being the outsider anymore. It’s such more mainstream than when I grew up, and it’s wonderful.

Anyway, my first real job was as a shop boy in Games Workshop back when the place wasn’t a miniatures only zone, and we had all of the boardgames from FASA and the like, were the only place to buy ICE scenarios for Rolemaster and MERP and had games on the shelf with names like Talislanta and Runequest as well as the sudden surge of 2nd Ed AD&D stuff and this brand new world, Forgotten Realms…

Back then I was writing a lot, and had decided I was going to be a novelist – so pity the poor guys I used to play with on a Sunday afternoon as my sessions were basically trial runs for all the books I wanted to write but never would…

Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to write several novels in the Warhammer world, but I’ve also written stuff like Slaine, Risen: Dark Waters, Stargate, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Primeval, and a lot of other fun game worlds like Fireborn and Arkham Horror. I’ve been blessed in a lot of ways work-wise, getting to write the story for stuff like Battlefield 3 and just dabble in the stuff that really fires my heart. I think, from memory, there are over fifty novels now, including a lot of original crime and thrillers, there’s the hardcovers for St Martin’s Press Glass Town and Coldfall Wood, as well as hip hop stuff with Prodigy (Mobb Deep) and other really nuts projects that sometimes it’s just too much fun to turn down.

I’ve been chatting with Umut and (despite the scary Warhammer era photo which hasn't put the team off) we’ve got some awesome ideas for a Svilland novel as the jewel in the crown for the Kickstarter here, and some really fun ideas for how to make it feel more interactive an experience for you backers, assuming you really want it… stuff like writing in a few of your favourite characters as rewards but way more than just that… so, now you know a little about me,  

Your friend you haven’t met yet,  


Here is  Steve's Goodreads list 

We believe that with your help we'll be able to achieve this goal and write a Svilland novel! Please share this Kickstarter campaign with your friends, in your social media, or wherever you want! 

May your blades be sharp, heart be filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


New Add-On: Untold Sagas Hardcover!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 04:02:55 AM

Dear Svillanders!

Thank you so much for your great interest in Svilland and this campaign! As a team, we are working hard to bring you the best content. It makes us very happy that you have asked for more Svilland books. Thank you so much for believing in this world we created. You are the best.

At the very beginning of this project, we did not think of Untold Sagas as a print, it was always a PDF in our minds, maybe POD in the future.  So we cannot include it in any pledge, but we would love to meet your wishes; Untold Sagas as a print book. 

So, you can get Untold Sagas by adding £12 (15$) more to your pledges.

Thanks again for your support,

Lore of Svilland Unlocked!
about 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 01:14:05 AM

Dear Svillanders,

You have unlocked the lore of Svilland stretch goal!

We always want to add more content and lore to this beautiful setting. We feel like the number of tales we tell of Svilland is never enough. Because of this, we wanted to create an additional book that will tell more of the lore, deities, and stories of Svilland. These things are there in everyday life of Svillanders, but we will explore them in depth now with this book!

This book will be available to all of our backers who pledged for at least the PDF of Svilland or Freyja.

If you wish, you will also be able to add its printed version as an add-on in the pledge manager.


The design may change.

Many of you have asked us to make a printed version of this lore book available once the stretch goal is unlocked. We decided to make one available! The printed version will be available as an add on soon.

May your blades be sharp, heart be filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.


Chapter Arts Unlocked and A Nice Surprise!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 02:44:41 AM

Dear Svillanders,

We wish your axes are sharp and hearts filled with the faith of Odin and Freyja, because we have great news for you!

As our project passed $90,000, you have unlocked our Chapter Arts stretch goal! Freyja’s Tears will now have masterpiece chapter arts!

What About The Surprise?

Svillanders, many of you asked for printed maps and DM Screens of Svilland. We started to work for those extras right after the first comment. We made team meetings and talked with our partners. So, we decided to provide them as a gift to you when its $150,000 (£114,000) Collection Pack stretch goal is unlocked!

Here is the video about the surprise.

Collection Pack

As part of our Collection Pack stretch goal, we will add the printed map and DM Screen as add ons. Furthermore, the printed map will be included in all the pledges of Svillander and above. The DM Screen will be included in the Svilland Complete Edition pledge.

New Stretch Goals are On the Horizon!

Many of you may have been wondering which stretch goals we have next. Here are our three new stretch goals!

($120,000 - £91,200) Lore of Svilland

We will release a book for the detailed lore of Svilland as a PDF to all our backers who pledged for a PDF or above. This book will go into detail about the deities, stories, rumors, and myths in Svilland.

($150,000 - £114,000) Collection Pack

We will release the printed map of Svilland and a DM Screen with a beautiful Svilland art.

The printed map will be included in the pledges of Svillander and above.

The DM Screen will be included in the Svilland Complete Edition pledge. We will show you the design of the DM Screen just after we open this stretch goal.

Both of these will also be available as add ons!

($200,000 - £152,000) Svilland OST

We will release an original soundtrack album for Svilland! The songs will have ambiance and combat themes that will fit well to the adventures and your campaigns!

Here is a sample track from the composer

These are not the only stretch goals we are planning, more will come if we pass $200,000! 

Please do not forget to share the campaign in your social media accounts to reach faster those stretch goals.

May your blades be sharp, heart be filled with Odin’s might and Freyja’s love.
